Network Marketing – Vision
Dear friends, welcome back! Today will continue our A-Z series about Network Marketing. Today’s topic is V for Vision for stay-at-home mums.
For some mums, their life is their dream life. They are happily married with their own children. They stay-at-home because they choose to be a stay-at-home mum. Their vision may be to live a good life, supporting their spouses and children to reach for their potential.
If you are in that category, I am challenging you to think deep and hard if that is really the life that you would like to live?
My Stay-at-Home Decision
I have my own career in Hong Kong prior to migration to Australia some 20 years ago. My children were still young, 9, 5 and 7 months. It had been my dream for years to be able to stay home and watch them grow. For many years, they had been spending more time with our domestic helper than with us.
When we arrived in Australia, I considered myself lucky as we can afford to have just one single household income.
However, my decision to stay home also brought some ‘bonuses’. I do not enjoy cooking dinner. Neither do I enjoy doing household chores. I always joked about that I enjoyed the parenting journey but not the part as a domestic helper.
What I did not realize then was that I could, if I chose to, also build another stream of income through Network Marketing whilst staying home! In that case, the extra income would allow me to have some household tasks outsourced. That mean would mean a lot MORE quality time with my children.
Yet, like most mothers with younger kids, that idea of making extra money was simply not on my agenda. I was totally embracing my stay-at-home mum status.
Your Stay-at-Home Decision
Why do you choose to be home with your kids?
Do you sometimes feel that you have so much more to offer to the marketplace than ‘just’ a mum?
Don’t get me wrong. I have the highest respect for mothers who choose to stay home and be there for the kids. In my view, it is one of the most honourable thing to do.
However, did your decision to stay home come with another ‘bonuses’ that you may not necessarily love? Are those others things that you may not like to do taking away your quality time with the kids? I certainly sometimes felt that way when my kids were young.
What about the ‘bonus’ of adding stress to the spouse? The cost of living is rising fast so fast that some families are feeling the stress.
If you have the vision of bringing about a better future for the kids and the family, you may wish to consider other options that you can take up, from the comfort of your home.
Today’s Mums have more options!
Setting sail to where you want to go is possible, even you are a stay-at-home mum.
Helpful Question to Ask Yourself
Am I totally happy and content with the current life?
Could I possibly do something NOW so that in case disaster strikes, I have more options?
If I am not going ahead with creating an additional stream of income, what is the real reason? Is it because I am living according to other people’s expectation? Am I really living an authentic life? A life that is truly meaningful?
If I do not act on my vision, what am I giving up? Financial independence? Freedom? Other worthy causes?
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