mlm blog – Page 4 – Work-at-Home Mums

Category: mlm blog

You may have heard that ANYONE can do network marketing well. While this is true, one must remember that NOT everyone would like to do network marketing.

When building a solid network marketing distribution group, it is wise to have the number of distributors growing in a non-linear manner.

Why is this important? Simple. LEVERAGE is powerful.

When we enroll one distributor who is happy to stay on as a consumer but choose not to share the products or services with others, we do not have leverage. When we have 10 of those distributors in the team, we have 10 more people in the whole organization. When the number of this type of team members grows to 100, we have 100 people more. There is no leverage.

However, we we enroll quality potential leaders into the organization, the numbers grow in a very different manner. One new team member can enroll another who also enroll another. This is leverage in action. Another example is that one new team member is so passionate and willing to grow that he or she brings in another QUALITY leader. The team then grows in a much faster rate than the linear example.

Leverage is Key

If there is nothing else that you can learn from this post, just recognizing that LEVERAGE IS KEY can help you grow your network marketing business the healthy way.

Some people may argue that simply focusing on sharing the products or services can also achieve leverage.  I would like to share that this too can be done.  For instance, by sharing with five people about the benefits of our products, some leaders have managed to grow their organization to a decent size. If all the five people are loyal customers, how one gets the leverage? It can be done is two simple ways:

(1) Ask for referrals from those happy customers to see if there are friends who may also benefit in using the products OR who may like to build a network marketing business

(2) Educate those customers that they too can build a legitimate business from home, using the power of the network marketing business model AND the concept of leverage.

However, the success journey would typically be a relatively slower one when we do not purposefully enroll potential business builders.

The bottom line is: team growth for building a network marketing business is not done in a linear manner.  Leverage is key.

Success Stories

The good news is that the power of leverage can attract more quality leaders to the team. New team members can share success stories of other team members who joined the network marketing business before them. There is no need for defending or convincing.

In our company, there is this lady who was a single mum. She had described herself as having “no health, no life, no future”. She went on to build a successful organization with the commitment of just a few loyal team members. Her mission is now “to serve and to create freedom” for others. That thought is what inspires her to get up every morning and share what she has discovered!

My mentor’s wife was also a stay-at-home mum who has helped her husband to build a huge organization based on  the concept of leverage. He was running his dental clinic before. Could he work 24 hours a day? No. Can he now has more than 24 hours’ productivity a day? Yes, he can! Thanks to leverage!

Leverage allows each team member to do their portion, the ultimate work-life balance that he or she wants to achieve. My dentist mentor now always enjoy his L-O-N-G weekend because he chooses not to work on Mondays and Fridays.

In my last blog, I talked about how stay-at-home mums may benefit in doing due diligence and reaching an informed decision to see if Network Marketing is their chosen way for making an additional source of income. Today, I am going to talk about the ‘Just Do It’ spirit. While ‘Due Diligence’ and ‘Just Do It’ may sound like contradictory to each other, I would like to elaborate here.

Due Diligence

What I wish to clarify is that we all have different values and priorities in life. If a stay-at-home mum does wish to build a home-based business, she has to do research and decide WHICH type of business is for her.

Once a stay-a-home mum has decided that she really has a strong desire to build a Network Marketing business from scratch, she needs to search again for a company that suits her.

For instance, I always value great health and vitality. Promoting nutritional supplements is a good fit for me. I also became aware that there are harmful ingredients in our personal care and skin care products that may compromise our health. Bumping into my Network Marketing company by accident is truly a blessing for my whole family. I am forever grateful for my friend who shared the wonderful products with me.

On the other hand, if someone is not at all convinced about the role of nutritional supplements in keeping us healthy and full of vitality, maybe a telecommunication company or online shopping company would be a better choice!

My point is, our highest values must align with the products or services provided by the Network Marketing company. Or else, our daily actions would not be in congruent with who we really are.  No congruence produces internal conflict. Congruence allows us to be ‘in the flow’.

If you are not lucky enough to have bumped into a great company, doing due diligence is crucial.

Just Do It?

AFTER doing due diligence, one has to come up with a decision – to join or not to join a particular network marketing company. Here is when the ‘Just Do It’ mindset may help!

Far too many prospects fall into the following mindsets instead:

(1) “What if it doesn’t work?”

Typically, these people let fears get into the way!  ACTION curses away fear! ‘Just Do It’ will make a good start. As Brian Tracy once shared, people typically do not succeed because they do not start OR they quit before they have achieved their goal.

(2) “What if I do not have the time to do the business?”

With the ‘Just Do It’ attitude, new distributors will MAKE TIME to do the tasks necessary for success! The action steps are scheduled into the everyday life.

As Network Marketing trainer Tim Sales once remarked, we all have 24 hours a day! We simply have to commit to doing the main tasks that needed to be done. “There is no other way, ” he said.

(3) “What might others think of me? Am I losing my mind?”


This is the kind of invisible hurdle that is often associated with past unsuccessful attempts in Network Marketing. Or, it could due to hearsay stories about unethical network marketers or stories about ‘failed’ network marketers. Very rarely would a person ask this brilliant question : ‘How could I make it work in Network Marketing?’

The ‘Just Do It’ attitude keeps one’s goals and dreams in sight. For a stay-at-home mum, the ‘sacrifice’ of an hour NOW would allow her to gain back MORE TIME in future!

This absolute certainty keeps those committed mums in the action mode. The desire for a better future for the children and the family is always in sight. There is no analysing. Just Do It!


Simple Business Action Steps

The learning, doing and teaching steps all requires this ‘Just Do It’ attitude.

Messing up in Learning?

No problem. We have to get messed up before we can get good at anything! I LOVE what Brian Tracy once shared, the top 10% performers always started as the  bottom 10%. How willing are you to step up and refine your skills?

Messing up in Doing?

No problem. We can always improve. Do more. Be more skilled. Simple as that! It takes time to master new skills.

Messing up in Teaching?

No Problem. I failed my way forward. So can YOU. Leaders are rarely born. They are developed. Learning how to be a better teacher is a much simpler job than learning to be a network marketer. The fun part about this industry is that we teach though potential leaders who deserve our time.

No Other Option But Succeeding

For anyone who has a strong desire to be successful in Network Marketing, only two things matter!

(1) Get started right

(2) Keep Improving and Moving Forward (No Quitting)

Hello,  friends and visitors,

In my last blog, I talked about how Network Marketing can be a wonderful business model for stay-at-home mums to generate an additional stream of income for the family. Today, I am going to cover some aspects so that my readers would find it easier to make an informed decision. Before I do that, I would like to briefly cover what Network Marketing is.

Network Marketing In A Nutshell

Network Marketing is a relatively new marketing model that is very different from the traditional way of buying and selling products or services. It is about promoting the products or services through word-of-mouth. Often, the promoters (usually called distributors) first experienced the benefits of the products. They become passionate about the products or services and begin their way of ‘doing’ network marketing.

The distributors buy products wholesale and can re-sell the products and keep the profit. However, most distributors choose to simply share with others and introduce others to become members (distributors) of the same company. This way, the person introduced gets the product at wholesale as well. As more and more become distributors because of Person A’s introduction, Person A’s whole organization grows. He or she gets paid accordingly, on commission basis, from the company.

Professional Network Marketing in 3 Steps

Doing Network Marketing professionally involves basically three main steps:

1) Strike Interest – determining if other people have any interest in knowing about the products or business opportunity;

2) Presentation – sharing more information with prospects who choose to find out more about the company, products or business opportunity;

3) Collecting Decisions – confirming if the prospects are ready to invest in the products (customers) or commit to doing the business (distributors).

Easy Enough to Do?

For a stay-at-home mums, these three steps are easy enough to learn and put into practice. Most people actually promote and recommend other products or services to others since a tender age. We usually feel great about telling others about our good experiences that we had in using the products or services.

Does it mean that it is easy to do network marketing? Yes! The actual action plans are easy enough. The skills needed can be mastered relatively easily.

However, many people have mindset issues that would hold them back from sharing with others. This means that they would not even get started in the first place!

For example, there is the perception that distributors are ‘earning money off their friends and relatives’ or even ‘reaping off the friends and relatives’.

This is furthest from the truth as I hear testimonials after testimonials how lives have been changed. Many distributors are forever grateful for the sponsor’s introducing them to be a member of the company. Happy customers are everywhere. Happy business builders are everywhere too!

Another mindset challenge is that some people are concerned how others might think of them if they approach their friends or relatives? Would I be perceived as greedy? Out of the mind?

I will not go into the many other reasons why some people choose NOT to get involved with this industry. Instead, I would encourage others to ask these BIG questions:

How would you feel when you could truthfully share information and stories that could potentially change the quality of life of your friends or relatives? It could mean better health or improved financial circumstances.

Do you care enough to share? Or, do you care too much about how others might think of your action?


Let’s be honest, not everyone like to get involved in Network Marketing. However, professional network marketers’ messages deserved to be heard.

Are you approaching this business model objectively, acknowledging that it is the most brilliant marketing model?

Or, have you been misinformed about this, believing that you have to chase after your friends and relatives and behave aggressively?

Be informed that there are more professional ways in doing Network Marketing.

The decision whether or not to join this fast growing Network Marketing profession is uniquely yours!

In Network Marketing, success has a lot to do with our mindset. You have probably heard that some people find it hard to ask for the sale because they feel like pressuring people to buy from them. This is particularly challenging when they themselves have been chased by others friends for other Network Marketing opportunities before.

Those mindset challenges will self sabotage a network marketer’s journey when they are prospecting.

Tim Sales describes beautifully that business is all about making our prospects’ lives better. Simple as that!

If we are in Network Marketing and do not feel that our products, services or opportunity can help others solve THEIR problems, why should our prospect want to do business with us?

We Have a Gift

In order that we can serve our prospects well, we must see our products, services or business opportunity as the ultimate gift that can help others.

It is through our love and care that others can feel that we DO have something valuable to offer.

For instance, is it not a gift for a stay at home mum to be able to look after her whole family’s health by using superior nutritional supplements? Supplement that can give the the energy that the family members needed? What about the whole family not getting sick because of the strong immune support?

From a financial point of view, how wonderful it is to be able to help other families to create an additional stream of income? For single-income families, isn’t this a great stress-buster for the bread winner? For single mums, isn’t that ideal for her to be able to be with her children whilst making money from the comfort of the home?

Our Gift to Others

We can give these three gifts to our friends and relatives, and even strangers:

1) The Gift of Attention –

We share what we know about Network Marketing and give our prospects the undivided attention. As a professional network marketer, we listen attentively to what our prospects need and want. We present. We let them see what the ‘insider secrets’ and let them judge if network marketing is for them or not.

When knowing how a person’s life could be touched by Network Marketing (products or opportunity), it is up to us if we care enough to give them the attention they deserve!

I love Tim ‘Big Al’ Schreiter’s “Social Security Story”. This amazing network marketing leader uses the story to illustrate a point! How would your friends and relatives feel when they found out at age 80 that they had been missing out on a social security payment for decades because you did not share the knowledge with them?

2) The Gift of Choice 

You have probably heard a lot about this – Network Marketing is not for everyone!

This is absolutely true. However, people deserve to know this industry from an insider’s perspective. They can then make their intelligent decision.

Why deprived them of knowing the truth?

How can someone possibly make an intelligent decision without knowing what is involved in the Success Journey?

Is their perception about having to chase friends and relative the truth?

What about having to spend crazy amount of time to get the business going? Could a mere 5 hour per week work?

What about the actual investment involved? Will previous (numerous) network marketing ‘failures’ affect the success rate?

3) The Gift of Teamwork 

Network Marketing success requires a lot of mentoring at the beginning. There is still a lot of stigma in this industry.

When we have found a  GREAT network marketing company with GREAT products or services, the next GREAT thing that one should look for is a GREAT leader.

Give new members the privilege of a great TEAM, they will feel supported and blessed to continue the journey.

Your Thoughts?

Please share your thoughts and insights!

Give others the gifts of Attention (A), Choice (C) and Team (T).

May more stay at home mums be blessed and A.C.T. for a better future!

I talked about burning desire in my last blog post as the start of anyone’s wealth creation journey. In Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’, he talked about having faith as the second major success factor.

Desire backed by faith is powerful.

I have witnessed many people succeeding wildly in network marketing because of their burning desire and faith. They pushed through every obstacle and challenge along their journey to success. They eventually win because quitting is never an option! The faith in them being successful is so strong that they have no excuses, only learning experiences.

However, faith alone will not work!

We need a Success Roadmap!

Success Roadmap

BUT…..even having a Success Roadmap will not be enough!

I am sure you agree with me that even though ALL attendees in a particular workshop are given the same success roadmap, ONLY very few people do succeed?

The roadmap works for some but not the others!


When the desire is not strong enough, the desire is only a wish or a hope.  Those people without a burning desire would find it ‘too hard’ to take action. Those are the ones that would eventually be saying ‘That Success Roadmap didn’t work!”.

They are absolutely right! It did not work for them!

From what I have observed, most people lack FOCUS.

How to Stay Focused?

In life, there are bound to be million things that could potentially distract us from DOING the tasks required for success.

Here are some practical tips that I have found helpful:

1) Focus emotionally on our dream

This can help us motivated internally. This is, we do not really need a accountability buddy or mentor to hold us accountable.

2) Read affirmation daily, with emotion

For example: “Even though my thoughts and concentration may wander, I choose to stay focused so that our family can have the extra $1000 a month for my kid’s future education.”

3) The ‘Just Do It’ Attitude

Nothing is more powerful than focusing on the future dream AND tasks the needed to be done NOW.

Having the Success Roadmap, a strategically designed daily plan of action and the ‘Just do it’ attitude will EVENTUALLY allow new habits to be formed.

What was initially requiring great discipline is getting easier and easier as new habits are formed

4) Stay away from people or activities that can drain your energy

For example, recognise those dream stealers are avoid discussing your dreams with them.

Negative news is another energy drainer for me to avoid. Maybe you would like to get rid of those in your life too?

5) Put in conscious effort to connect and associate with people who are supportive

Be with people who have a genuine desire to help us succeed. In Network Marketing, this is typically our mentor.

For a stay at home mum, your spouse can be your prosperity partner if he too can see the brilliance of the Network Marketing business model.

The Network Marketing Company’s own corporate events are great ways to stay charged.

6) Create Small Successes

It is important that you stay extremely focused at the beginning so that you can create your own success fast. Small successes is a confidence booster!

Your sponsor need not persuade you that this business works when you can enrol at least 1-2 people within the first month of joining the business.

In Network Marketing, success is easier if we started on  fast track.

7)  A 90-day Action Plan

The main rationale is that most people cannot stay focused for a 12-month period. What this 90-day focus can do is to create the smaller successes and momentum.

This will allow new habits to be formed. Skills to be refined. Confidence to to be gained.

8)  Structure & Accountability

I have found that the simpler the daily plan, the easier is it for new team members to stick to.

I am impressed with what I have learned from Tom Challan’s Bootcamp. We have to keep track of the total number of hours invested in prospecting daily. Plus, these 5 categories which I believe is of great simplicity: number of dials made, number of people talked to (initial conversation), number of people sent to presentation (website, CD, face-to-face, etc), number of follow up calls and number of enrolled members.

Sharing Your Thoughts

Do you think that most people failed to perform well in Network Marketing because of their lack of focus?

What strategies have helped you (or your team members) stay focused?

Can you share some ‘Success Breeds Success’ stories?

If you appreciate content like this, please comment below and share. Thanks!

Welcome back for another dose of Network Marketing  Success Tips!

Previously,I have covered some important factors for having a solid foundation for Network Marketing Success.  The attitude, belief, clarity and certainty are ALL factors relating to ourselves.  Today, I am going to talk about our emotion when doing prospecting.

Emotional Attachment

If you are like me who loves the Network Marketing companies products and income potential, you would probably love to have ALL of your good friends and relatives in the business as well. At the beginning of my Network Marketing Journey, I was really attached to wanting my friends to join me because of the health benefits that they could get. Or, I could see that the extra income generated could really help others in having a more secure financial future.

I would get back to friends and relatives again and again to sell the idea of anti-oxidants and wholistic health care. I was excited to share the brilliant ‘leveraged income’ idea or the ‘repeat income’ that we could get simply by referring others to premier products that worked like magic!

I was emotionally attached to the outcome. That was a great energy drainer. Time and energy should be spent on people who desire our products, NOT because we feel that they need our products or opportunity! My favourite Network Marketing trainer Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter is talented in explaining this important point (in his ‘Fat Boy’ Report).

I learned from Michael Oliver about the concept of ‘Natural Selling’. The idea is to find out if our friends or relatives have any needs and wants for what we have to offer. If yes AND when he or she is ready, there is success in our ‘selling’. If not, NO sales is lost as there isn’t any potential sale.

Emotional Detachment

Ever since I have embraced Michael Oliver’s ‘letting go of the outcome’  approach, prospecting is so much more fun!

Another famous Network Marketing trainer Jeffrey Combs also focuses a lot on training his students to be emotionally detached to the outcome. He talks about calling leads. When prospects are giving us ‘No’ as the reply, how well can we handle the ‘No’s and quickly focus back on the NEXT prospect?

Jeffrey points out that Network Marketers MUST appreciate that we are getting paid for ‘collecting decisions’. There is this timeless Law of Averages. That is, as long as we call enough people, there will be a ‘yes’ among many ‘no’s. In his training career, he noticed that many networkers became negatively affected by ‘no’s or by new network marketers who ended up doing very little. He educates others that those are all part of the process. We simply have to be emotionally detachment. Keep doing the right things (prospecting with posture and leading by example)….success is a natural progression of what we do on a daily basis.

Caring Mothers’ Problem

I have noticed that the more caring a person is, the harder is to be totally emotionally detached. Mothers are often among the most caring people in the world. They MUST learn the skills of becoming emotionally detached to the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and enjoy the ride!

Generally speaking, the closer the relationship, the harder to let go.


Often, mothers can work quite well on referral, party plan presentations and sharing with acquaintances. For example, when those people say ‘no’ to the possible solution to their health challenges, there is less feelings for them. Likewise, when those people failed to recognise the greatness of the Network Marketing business or too fearful to embrace something new, it is easier to accept that.

How to Let Go?

Here are some thoughts and helpful tips:

1) ‘Focus 100% on the prospect’s need and want, NOT on our own agenda.

2)  No’ is NOT personal. Often, it is due to the prospect’s own situation or attitude.

2)  We are paid for ‘Collecting Decisions’. The ‘yes’ and ‘no’ carry the same value.

3)  Trusting the Law of Averages – meaning that when we have the right skills, prospecting enough numbers will get us the enrollment.

4)  Trusting the process – listen and ask question for the natural progression to a ‘sale’.

5)  Trust our intuition – responding based on our intuition. We cannot say the wrong thing to the right person; nor can we say the right thing to the wrong person!

Your Thoughts and Experiences?

I’d love to hear if you also practise ‘letting go’ in prospecting.

What have been most helpful for you?

Did you have days when you were so focused on the wrong things? Please share so that others can learn from your valuable experiences!

Welcome back! For those who have been following my blogs for a while, you would have noticed that I stress a great deal on desire when it comes to Network Marketing Success. It is very sad that often people do not have the strong enough desire to become successful before they are dead broke!

Does it has to be that way?

In Napoleon Hill’s classic book “Think and Grow Rich” ,  he identified that the ‘burning desire’ from within was the starting point for all successes.

What I have observed is that most people do not have a burning desire for success. For many stay-at-home mums, for example, they may wish that they can be rich and successful. Some hope that they can be successful. It is those with a burning desire, as mentioned by Napoleon Hill, who have the ‘fuel’ to persist.

Faced with ‘win or perish’, they have chosen success. Failure is not an option. They are willing to sacrifice other precious things in life to create a plan, taking immediate action. With their clear vision and their commitment to the plan, they persist until their dream becomes their reality.

In the network marketing profession, Dani Johnson’s story is a truly inspirational one! She went from being a homeless young single mother to becoming a millionaire in just two short years.

What was the key influencing factor for her success? Her burning desire!

Life is unpredictable! Create the desire before any unfortunate events such as retrenchment, ill health, divorce, accidents, etc hit us. Read my blog post on ‘No Excuses’ if you do not see any reason why you should want to do Network Marketing.

For Dani, it was the calling from God that had her got of of the mess that she was in.

Do you recognise that Network Marketing is ‘a Better Way’  for earning an extra stream of income from home?

How would your life be different when you have a constant flow of $500, $1000 or more a month going into your bank account?

If you are a work-at-home mum already in Network Marketing, please share your success story here.

Welcome back to the Alphabet Series for Stay at Home Mums who may want to explore HOW they can be successful in Network Marketing. In my last two blog posts that cover A for Attitude and B for Belief, I have not talked about any ‘HOW-TO’ tips. Why this is so? The first step to Riches starts from a BURNING DESIRE, as mentioned in the all time ‘Success Bible’ Think and Grow Rich. We must begin with what is in our mind. For those of you who may want to visit my other blog posts, you can click here.

This blog post refers to the Second Step to Riches “FAITH”. I am not going to leave this topic to the alphabet ‘F’ because this is so CRUCIAL for our success.  By successfully controlling our inner voice, we can stay on track. Missing our targets is impossible!

Emotional Reasons

Many people join Network Marketing for extra money. However, money is never the real reason.

If you’re a stay at home mum, you’re real reason for doing Network Marketing may be wanting to put aside money for the children’s future education. You might  want to earn more income to deal with the rising electricity bills and water bills. Or, you might have another reason such as really wanting to be financially  independent and focus on what you really want to do in life.

I have seen so many people come and go in network marketing. I can assure you if you don’t have a strong enough DESIRE for doing what you’re doing, you will face challenges and by the time you will quit. When you have STRONG DESIRE and BELIEF, there is CERTAINTY.

Believe With Certainty

What does this really mean?

It means NO EXCUSES, only planned action, carried out even at the time of doubt.

It is common for an ‘average’ person to be all bumped up and believe in something but find that there is so much negativity around them. While we can make a conscious decision to stay away from ‘dream stealer’ friends and/or relatives, we do have ONE ‘friend/enemy’ who stays with us ALL THE TIME. This is the our own Subconscious Mind.

Believe with certainty means believing without a shadow of doubt that what we intend to achieve will be achieved. It is the certainty in Body, Mind & Soul. With that level of certainty, we become committed doers (of whatever we have planned to do). We attract supportive people (clients. customers, supportive friends, mentors, etc) into our lives.

There is no accident. What we focus on, we attract.

It makes perfect sense for us to build certainty, right?

How to Build Certainty?

I am sure you have come across people who have been bumped up at seminars or by reading and re-reading motivational books. Some use motivational  CDs, DVDs, Network Marketing corporate events and mentoring program to keep them stay focused. While all those are great ways, there is a better way! The motivation must be from within us. 

I have found this incredibly inspiration video clip from YouTube featuring Anthony Robbins’ idea of Certainty. When the certainty is not there, there is something that we can actually DO, at any moment, to keep us 100% on track. Thanks to ‘NewAge SuperPower’ for giving permission for sharing!

Successful people do what failures don’t.”  ~ Anthony Robbins.

Sharing Your Thoughts 

As always, I value your sharing. This internal struggle was common at the beginning of any Network Marketing Journey. I have seen many network marketers doubting their own ability and leaving this wonderful profession. Have you pressed on and succeeded? Let’s hear your inspirational story!

What was the number one tool or strategy that has helped you?

Do share by commenting below. The Universe will reward you in interesting ways icon smile Stay at Home Mums C for Certainty

In my last blog, I mentioned the single most important first step for a stay at home mum to become successful in Network Marketing. Click here for that article on A for Attitude if you want to start there. I have also created a video on A for Awareness. My aim is to educate others about the reality that many stay at home mums ARE earning extra money by embracing this brilliant business model called Network Marketing (MLM).

Is it your turn to cash in?

To be successful in Network Marketing, there are a few Beliefs that you need to have. I have covered those in my e-Book. If you have not grabbed one yet, remember to fill in the name and email information for immediate access.


Once you have a good understanding about this legitimate business model, you still have to go through two major Belief Hurdles before you can be successful.

The level of belief needed to be so strong that it is more like FAITH as described in the all-time classic ‘Think and Grow Rich’. It is the state of mind that will keep your belief unwavering. It is this belief level that keeps you laser focused in spite of many many obstacles along the way. Oh, yes! There are heaps of obstacles. The good news is, they can all be pleasantly handled when you have mastered some basic skills.

Belief in The MLM Company & Products

I was lucky enough to have ‘bumped’ into my current MLM company that has been producing premier products for over two decades.

If you are exploring, my suggestion is to get educated about the buying power of the Baby Boomers. Do your due diligence and research for a company with great consumable products. Listen to amazing testimonials and find out real life stories about people’s health challenges being addressed or financial situation being turned around.

The bad news is: Without a solid belief in the company and products, the best training cannot help you. Your posture will be weak. Your tone and body language will ‘betray’ you even if you read out the best of the best scripts!

The good news is: You are not doomed when you don’t have the belief YET.  FAITH can be ‘built’ by witnessing other leaders’ success journey, from ‘ground ZERO’. It can also be created by using affirmation techniques. This is why Training & Mentoring are so important in MLM.

Belief in YOU

Let’s say that there is this stay at home mum who has a desire to change her life for the better. She is aware that people can earn a decent EXTRA source of income by working only part time. She then go on to a meeting or presentation. She has also done her research.

At this point, SOME stay at home mums would choose not to start the business. I have discovered these common reasons:

1)  they do NOT believe that they have enough time

2)  they do NOT  believe that they can earn money

3)  they do NOT know enough people to talk to

4) they are ‘NOT the sales type’

All the above are the same ONE REASON – that they do NOT believe in themselves!


The bad news is: The initial DESIRE for a better life is buried right at that moment.

The good news is: Those who are AWARE that their thinking may be deceptive have a chance.  Their attitude changed. The exploration continues!

Eventually, they realize that we have to ‘make time’ to do things that are high in our priority list.

They cannot dispute the fact that many people in THAT PARTICULAR COMPANY are making good money.

They realized that even someone with just a few friends to start with can be exceptionally successful. My favourite example is the most sought-after trainer Tim Sales!

In Tim’s training CD, he also guided others to understand that we were NOT born to be ‘sales people’! Besides, by doing MLM professionally, there is no sales technique to be applied. Only focus 100% on the other person.

An Honorable Profession

I am 100% convinced that Network Marketing works!

I am 100% convinced about the efficacy of the products that I am promoting have high demand in the marketplace.

I am proud to be associated with my company that is on a mission to impact more lives on Planet Earth – Health-wise and Wealth-wise.

I am proud to be part of this amazing profession, dubbed as ‘A Better Way’ by Network Marketing PRO Eric Worre.

I love what I do; I do what I love.

What about YOU?

Do you believe that Network Marketing is a better way?

Do you believe that YOU too can take advantage of this brilliant business model to create a better future for you and your loved ones.

Have you done your due diligence? This is definitely a step worth taking. Trust me!

If you would like to be successful in network marketing, you’ve got to have a solid foundation. So, what I mean by solid is that I put it as simple as ABC; A is Awareness, B is Beliefs and C is Clarity. Today I’m going to cover A: Awareness.

A: Awareness

Are you aware that network marketing is a legitimate business that can bring you freedom that you might want?

Are you aware that there are people who are actually doing network marketing just to help other people?

Are you aware that there are people who are doing it really well and is very keen to help you get started on the right foot?

And also, are you aware that it is a business that can be done totally part time?

If done correctly and professionally, running a Network Marketing business is extremely rewarding.

Have you heard about stories where elderly people can make additional five hundred or a thousand income a month, just because they share their products and stories with other people?

Do you personally know any housewife who is juggling the time, looking after the children and also doing network marketing on a very part time basis AND generating a substantial income? Some even generate so much income that they are able to retire their husbands.

These are realities – a lot of people got confused. This is why I’m doing this series to help people to understand how to do network marketing correctly with the ABC foundation.

My next article would be covering B – The Belief. By now, you know that network marketing is a legitimate business that can be done part time.

So, what are the two other beliefs that you need to have to ensure that you are a solid ground for success? Read my next article.

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