Getting In Early To Get The Big Bucks? – Work-at-Home Mums

Getting In Early To Get The Big Bucks?

| Posted in mlm blog

Hi, over these few weeks I’m going to cover some of the ideas that I’d say are wrong ideas that people believe in Network Marketing.

Where Goes The Big Money?

Here is the Number 1 misconception – all the big money is being earned by the people who enrolled early. And I think this is the most ridiculous and discouraging one. I am with a company that has been around for over 25 years. I’ve seen so many people earning way more than their sponsor.

Network Marketing has a brilliant structure there. Anyone who joins the company owns their own business. They are much like independent franchisees. The success of their business is based on a proven system that works! Work hard, do the right thing, get the good results. No work. No results. Do the wrong things. Poor results. As simple as that.

Let me tell you the story of a truck driver who has been earning so much more than his sponsor because he shares his products and services like crazy, with a lot of people. At the early days, he had to sell the lower priced products in order to get some instant cash in.  He is now one of the top income earners with a huge organization. Many of his team leaders became successful and continued to share the company’s mission and/or products.

Let’s look at his sponsor. He was quite happy having a more relaxed lifestyle. He did not choose to go for another leadership level.  His monthly pay cheque would still be handsome one because he is receiving over-riding  commission that comes in every month through this ex-truck driver leader’s huge organization.

What about the bonus received by this ex-truck driver leader? HUGE cheque. Shouldn’t it be the case? He has been working hard consistently.

More Real Life Stories

There was this housewife who kept on improving and later earned enough to retire her husband. This couple has been continuing their empowering team training program to create ripple effects. This is another example of ‘ordinary’ people out-performing their sponsor.

In another case, this nurse ‘brought home’ this creating freedom idea, worked her way up the organization and eventually impressed her MBA husband to check out what was possible with building a successful distributorship business from home. This couple has now won awards from the ‘Most Improved Distributor’ to ‘International Distributors of the Year’.  They have been blessed with the stay-at-home option whilst their children are growing up!

Another key leader’s sponsor has even left the company BEFORE this key leader became hugely successful. If the sponsor were to stay, the cheque would probably be a much smaller one!


The point is, a lot of people think that they have to join at the top when the company first starts. The mindset is “Go in early, get a good position and then get paid by other’s effort”. The reality is the same compensation structure is there for everyone. Everyone is their own boss. In Network Marketing result counts. Not the position.

Next time I’m going to cover a point about “only serious players can earn big money in network marketing”. I hope you stay tuned for that. See you!

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