Network Marketing – Relationship. Respect. Referral – Work-at-Home Mums

Network Marketing – Relationship. Respect. Referral

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Dear friends,

Welcome back for another dose of Network Marketing Success Tips!

You may have heard that Network Marketing is a people business and that relationship is key.

You may even heard the term ‘Relationship Marketing‘ instead of the more factual term ‘Word-of-mouth Marketing’ or ‘Network Marketing’. In essence, it is a business model that is about people recommending and promoting products that they love using. Most people feel good about sharing exciting things with others. Good relationship sometimes helps in getting the message across.

However, relationship is over-rated.

What I mean is that having great relationship with others do not automatically imply success in Network Marketing.

The Role of Relationship

Let’s examine how relationship plays out in Network Marketing in three stages of one’s Network Marketing business:

(1) Prospecting Stage

Trusted relationship certainly has a clear advantage over cold leads from advertisements. The prospect is more likely to review what we have to offer.  However, like any other businesses, the products or services may not be what our friends or relatives would like to have.

Hence, Great relationships do NOT equate to getting a sale.

Professional Network Marketing Success Tips

When a person have decided that the product/service or business opportunity is not for her, respect that. Ask for referrals.

(2) Presenting Stage

With rapport already established and great relationship, any initial sales filter that might have would have been down to the minimum. The presenting stage is a step where a 2-way conversation occurs. The prospect gets to have all his or her questions or concerns answered. No hypes. No manipulative techniques. Just honest straight talk from a professional network marketer.

Would everyone whom we present end up buying products or joining the business? Absolutely not!

Professional Network Marketing Success Tips

Do NOT expect a ‘Yes’ reply simply because you have great relationship with your prospect. The relationship only makes it easier for your prospect to review the information in a non-judgmental manner.

Relationship is  precious. Do not try to beg, convince or manipulate your prospect to say ‘Yes’.

For stay-at-home mums, the last thing that they want is to have alienated their friends or relatives!

Respect others’ right to say ‘No’. Ask for referrals.

(3) Team Building Stage

Inspiring a potential team leader to be their best is one of the key roles of a professional network marketer.  With great relationship, a mentor can have an honest and straight conversation with the potential leaders at the coaching or mentoring sessions.

For a stay-at-home mum,  the challenges is usually around these areas – mindset, confidence, feeling towards prospects saying ‘No’ and time-management. New team members must feel that they have a safe supportive environment to discuss the challenges with their mentor. The mentor’s role is like a guiding rope for the new member.

The mentor helps the potential leader to focus on their vision. Challenges along the way would not be an issue. The daily routine tasks of ongoing learning and prospecting matter the most!

In the case of a potential leader who is not really ready to play a bigger game, respect that.  For some, their desire level may not be great enough. For others, their comfort zone may be too small. Whatever the reason is, we can only help those who are ready.

Professional Network Marketing Success Tips

Do not abandon those who are not ready to step up. Keep them in the loop. keep caring and approachable. Some will get inspired as other team members in the organization  move forward. Others might still remain in their comfort zone. That is okay too. Some team members may never wish to take up the business side.

Again, respect their circumstances. Ask for referrals where appropriate.

Relationship is King

Have I said enough about keeping the relationship strong?

No-one that I know would like to be successful at the expense of alienating their friends or relatives!

The good news is, a professional network marketer will not be losing her friends or relatives. A well trained team member is able to pick up clues – verbal and non-verbal – if someone is a ‘suspect’ or a genuine ‘prospect’. I do not mean to be disrespectful here. I just feel that using those terms that I learned from Jeffrey Combs is immensely helpful for new team members.

Relationship is King! Respect brings long term success. Referrals are the result of great relationships.

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